How to Apply for Superior Rotary Charitable Giving Committee Grant
Please use the linked resources on the left window to apply for grant opportunities.
This year grants to date for 2024-2025 FY:
Highlands Restoration & Wellness
Superior Middle School Kids Vote
Rolling Readers
Superior Douglas Co Leadership
Last year Superior Rotary Charitable Giving Committee awarded the following entities during FY 2023-2024 on behalf of the Rotary Club of Superior.
August         Leadership Superior Do Co
                     St. Ann’s
                     SHS Spartan Spin
                     Bong Hist Ctr BWC
                     Do Co Historical Society
September    Alzheimer’s Association, in honor of
                     Jean Till
October        Rolling Readers
November    Choice unlimited
December     Superior Middle & High School PTSA
                     UW Madison Extension 4-H
February       St. Louis River Quest
                     Superior Public Museums, free Easter
                     Superior Sister City Commission
April             City of Superior Parks, Rec, & Forestry
May              Project Search
June              All Night Grad Party SHS
                     COGGS Superior